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At Woori Yallock Primary School we welcome parent involvement, believing that strong links between home and school foster student learning and community engagement. We have an open-door policy and plenty of opportunities for parents to assist and be part of their child’s learning. They include;


• Parent Helpers (in classrooms)

• Parent’s Club

• School Council

• Excursions

• Camps

• Fundraising

• Class and Whole School Events


We are well aware that some parents have more flexibility than others. We value and appreciate any parental involvement. The wonderful parents that make up the Woori Yallock Primary School community are a huge part of what makes Woori such as great school.


Parent Club

We have an active parents club who support social and fundraising events for our school community.

© 2020 Woori Yallock Primary School. All Rights Reserve. 

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