1/2B Mrs MentaFeb 4, 2017Start up week Celebration1 / 2 B preparing their class banner for celebration day after three days of cooperative games and get to know you activities. The grade...
3/4C Miss WardFeb 4, 2017Start up week Celebration!In 3/4C we have spent the week getting to know each other by playing fun games and completing lots of activities. Our teacher has been...
Felicity CurnowOct 2, 20161/2's at Mont de LanceyOur grade 1/2 students attended Mont de Lancey where they experienced firsthand the history of early Australia as it was in the Wandin...
Sukey Russell and Chloe BronstringSep 5, 2016Yarra Valley Speaking CompetitionAfter our whole Speaking competition back in June, Chloe Bronstring, Sukey Russell and Brooklyn Kloet were all selected to present at the...
Felicity CurnowSep 5, 2016Day of the Notables!On Thursday the 5th of September the Grade 5/6’s delivered their Day of the Notables project. Which included thoroughly researching,...
Felicity CurnowSep 4, 2016Sporting SchoolsOn a Thursday afternoon during term 1, 2 and 3 students have the option to participate in Sporting schools programs. This term we ran...
Felicity CurnowSep 4, 2016Woori Olympics!What a great day we had at our very own Woori Olympics. 15 teams participated in a multiaged Olympic games. Where students had to play at...
PenelopeMay 8, 2016School Yard SafariScience, Schoolyard Safari with our Grade 1/2 students. The students are exploring and examining creatures that live in the dark word of...
FlickMay 8, 2016Readers WorkshopReading in run using the workshop model. Students participate in a mini lesson, then independent reading and onto a rotation activity...