Woori Yallock Primary School is situated in the Yarra Ranges and we are blessed with some of the best grounds for a school, as well as an amazing outlook over the mountains and the Upper Yarra Valley.
The teaching and learning that happens both inside and outside the classroom is based on latest research. We use Fountas & Pinnell toolkit for reading comprehension, SWST for spelling and Michael Ymer’s planning tools and resources for numeracy. Our teachers are complemented by literacy coaches and math specialists, enabling us to provide a comprehensive program that caters for all students. We also have specialist teachers in Art, LOTE, ICT and P.E.
Providing a supportive, positive and caring environment is also our priority. Our School Chaplain and Primary Welfare Officer work effectively with all staff members to support the emotional needs and wellbeing of all students.
We are an environmentally friendly school with features such as a frog bog, vegetable garden, native flora area, solar panels and water tanks that provide the greater proportion of water required for daily use. Our grounds are spacious and allow for both active and passive play. We have a double basketball court sealed area, three separate play equipment areas, a grassed oval as well as extensive gardens and lawn.
We are very grateful that in the 2020 State Budget, it was announced that we will receive $10.5 million dollars to upgrade the school buildings, and turn them into more modern learning spaces. Construction will begin during 2022, however this will not impact the normal running of the school. We look forward to seeing the new buildings come to fruition.
Our school motto is ‘Take Pride At All Times’. Our four houses are Barraring (water), Barak (Indigenous chief) Toolebewong (mountain) and Muyan (wattle) reflect the areas indigenous past.
At Woori Yallock Primary School we provide a comprehensive curriculum, personalised learning, exceptional teaching and high expectations. We ensure that when students graduate, all opportunities in life are open to them.
Our school has doubled in its student population in the past 9 years and currently has 420 students. This growth is due to the improved teaching methods and outstanding academic results. Our parents now feel pride and confident in their local school. The school continues to dominate the Yarra Valley Schools Public Speaking Competition which it has won the past six years in a row.

We have two core values at Woori Yallock Primary School.
High Expectations
Ensure that our whole school community’s words and actions reflect high standards of personal and academic achievement and that student goals are extending all of their capabilities.
Caring for and having high regard for yourself, all others and your environment. Listening to beliefs and opinions without judgement and accepting diversity.